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Hedd, a Peace Dove on Turtle Island

At Beltane, I went to the University of Ottawa, in Canada. I went to speak about deep mapping across the (alleged) ontological turn, as part of a Max Plank Institute session at the joint CASCA/IUAES intercongress of anthropologists - where I also showed the Layers in the Landscape film.

In my pockets, as always this year, was Hedd - Peace Mala dove number five., who couldn't really have been more at home!

Algonquin Elder Evelyn Dewache, daughter of Chief William Commanda.

(whose home flooded out whilst I was there because the city had the worst rain it had known for a hundred years. On the 1st May, it even snowed).

Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa

Maman - continuing my theme of taking Hedd to unique public sculptures which speak to the traditions or ethos of Peace Mala. In this instance, it was inkeeping with the Native Indian zeitgeist, via Grandmother Spider.

Inside the magnificant Notre Dame.

Melissa, an undergrad in Palliative Care.

Professor Soumendra Patnaik and Indrani Mukherjee, from the University of Delhi, India

Daffodils and tulips, Wales and Canada, beside the canal.



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