Mulgrave Street, Dun Laoghaire
This was where my father failed to swim,
Where his motorbike broke down,
Where mass was a perfume in his hair.
This was where my grandfather drew a house
On only half the paper,
Blackrocks in his hand.
This is where my great grandfather shed sugared hills,
Where my cousins bring up cousins,
Where an aunt laughs always on the eastern pier.
This is where myth was made
For a childhood with few faces,
And in the rain, no one can see me; coming home.
In Session
…and then the musician’s came.
Bringing their landscape with them;
Bounded in the unbarred cadence of horses a
Flag upon the air. The flute
Remembered birdsong, soft wind
Beneath her notes made buoyant a feathering of
Fingers as the whistle chased
Her tail in a sympatry,
Small wings tilting a lilting melody outside
Of the guild. The fiddle, he
Laughed at their dancing and ran
It ever faster into unexpected weather.
Raindrops falling into reeds;
An oboe of memory.
The guitar attempted a neutrality of
Tone (ignoring the banjo)
As the mandolin made all
Else feel undressed, picking a course in unison
With a scale only she could
Be tempered to hear, the fear
Of time a bodhran’s beaten heart beneath their feet
In the Illusion of clogs,
Kept at heel. The squeezebox was
The first to forget their name as the mouthorgan
Washed in a free-flowing pint.
A pile of pipes lay encased
In a pause against the wall, unable to tune
Before a coda’s tag and
The poor harp trembled into
Every rest. An epic jig came for them all
In the end; with splintering
Semi-quavers sucking out
Breath and unsaddling bridges to scatter strings
In a slippage of sound the
Spittle settling like leaves.
Heads of frayed hair bowed out and the tipper tripled
His last into a slide of
Skin to the flattened squeak of
Unexpected octaves from the desperate reach
Of sour devils, the melody pitching ‘to
Silence. Half empty glasses
Shivered in the after shock
(With the still quivering harp).
A survivor coughed, that
Dark, cavernous cough which heralds closure and
Brooks no encore. Cases snapped
And smoke imbued velvet from
Sessions long gone wrapped the exhausted medleys
Into a wayfaring past.
And then the singers began…
Barefoot in the Dark
Let me crawl into your voice, take comfort there,
A refuge in your breath, embraced in words
Coiled, a cat, around the timbre of you tongue.
Let me hide inside your eye, travel there
Curled in resonance more alive than air
I’m tripping at your gaze. Remember me.
Let me climb into your mind and settle there,
My brow burns, worries rain on me like stones
But still your breath never falters in my heart.
Once upon a time
My heart found a fairytale
- She never came home.
“I have known great love”
Said the wind, as she curled her fingers around the tall oak;
“And with great love comes great loss”
Said the sea, as he stroked the splintered bough.
A lone boat rocked empty in their talking
As an acorn lay – emerging- from the indifferent sand.
The old year hangs in an apple tree
Rusting by black water's side,
Unfettered by other people's days
It ripens into shadows..
I have stood on this island
By the sand’s hill shore for centuries
Sold into an erosion of shells
Skuas scream the name
I have forgotten
A mind wrapped in salt
Tears at the wind to wait
Tugging at tusks to trip
Sea grasses braving the storms offer no comfort to
Bleeding soles
A death upon the ground
Cairned - unburied
I guard them still
Those bones of another love
Lost before time could draw breath.
mynd I gysgu fy
môr mewn cymylaw tawel
a gadael i’r glaw
freuddwyd mewn cerddoriaeth
hoffi sêr ae eich cefn
go to sleep my sea
in quiet clouds
and let the rain
dream in music
likes stars upon your back)
Night Hears the Owl
“I can hear the owl” said the lonely night.
“I can hear the owl, crying.
I can hear the owl, crying like a cat
Who has lost her kittens to the sly stream,
I can hear the owl crying with the tears of every soul
Who has crossed on bare feet in the stumbling cold.”
“I can hear the owl replying” said the hovering dawn.
“I can hear the owl, replying like a gentle breeze
Lifting petals into the sky as butterfly dreams
I can hear the owl, flying, as sunlight comforts
The turned earth, and a feather, floats
And a feather floats onto grieving ground
With a promise of flowers, I can hear the owl.”
At the festival
Words fell like rain, pooling in
The Welsh streets without
Accent or division; the
Class-less cloud of a new sky.
Photo Credit: WPF
ne vocabo
It is quiet in the letter
like a perfume that is hard to define
a hug of words
that brings me air beneath water
as we watch the bubbles rise.
A Voiceless Poem
I am digging with my father's pen
the gold nib a flint of sunshine
scratching at pale ground
I am not looking for treasure
but the journey yields emptiness
and the occasional coin
a word is sampled
and others bag it for themselves
unfazed on the edge of providence
I am found with unvoiced ink
and the sentences tunnel through
a castle of unintentional age
I am drawing the parapet now
-but will not
turn around.
Y Mynydd Du
Ar ben y mynydd
Angylion casglu
Canu yn y glaw i ddynion isod
Ond pan fydd y dynion yn edrych i fyny
Maent yn gweld dim ond y cwmwl
Ac ni all glywed yr awyr, crio.
(Black Mountain
On top of the mountain
Angels gather
Singing in the rain to men below
But when the men look up
They only see cloud
And cannot hear the sky, crying)
Mynd I gysgu fy
Môr mewn cymylaw tawel
A gadael i’r glaw
Freuddwyd mewn cerddoriaeth
Hoffi sêr ae eich cefn
go to sleep my sea
in quiet clouds
and let the rain
dream in music
likes stars upon your back)
The sea king's
Seal's sing
A soul's song
- Mererid's armada
Dark on the shore.
('Today's Future')
Cut-out poem for the ISRF
Published in the Bulletin, pages 46 & 47