Conference Sketches...
This is a selection of small sketches from various conferences, drawn as an aide de memoire, rather than as any attempt at accurate portraiture.
When Experts Disagree, University College Dublin,
July 2017
Peatlands, at University College Cork.
Independent Social Research Foundation, Amsterdam,
June 2017
Inter Faith Symposium & Alister Hardy Conference, Lampeter, July 2017
Cross/Multi/Inter/Trans - Disciplinary Conference
Sheffield Hallam University, September 2017
Sketches from a private view of Expedition Unknown's episode, 'England's Vanished Crown Jewels' at King's Lynn, Norfolk, November 17th 2017.
British Association for the Study of Religions
'Narratives of Religion'
University of Chester, September 2017
The Micropalaeontological Society Annual Symposium, Keynote & Introductory Speakers. Natural History Museum, London, November 16th 2017.
TAG 17
18/19/20th December
The Importance of Getting Wet - revitilising and presenting wetland heritage in contemporary society. A workshop run by Dr. Ben Jennings, funded by the British Academy Rising Star Engagement Activity Programme, University of Bradford, march 2018.
Progressive Connexions conferences on
Spirituality and... Culture,
Lisbon, March 17th/18th 2018.
Poetry and Portraits.